
Customer Forum

Can I create a report to show the current and previous values of a field ?

External Posted: 2014-05-21 15:06

I'm trying to create an oppurtunity report, which will show me the current and previous values of a the 'Stage' field, in order for us to see what stage an opp was at before it was either closed won, or closed lost.

Is this possible ?

Workbooks Support Posted: Fri, 23.05.2014 - 13:58


You can achieve this if you have the audit module in Workbooks which is an additional add-on for paid users. I'd recommend taking a look at this page on our knowledge base which gives some examples of audit reports that can be built. See here for more information.

If you don't currently have the extension and you'd like to purchase, please call the office on 0118 3030 100 and ask to speak to Sales or simply email for more information.