
Customer Forum

Importing a SQL database

Anastasia Posted: 2017-01-05 03:06

I had two Workbooks accounts and want to merge them. I exported one as a SQL file but can't figure out how to import the whole file as the Import function is based on people, organisations etc. And they are for CSV and XLS files.

I only have organisations, people and notes/activities to important - no invoices.

Any tips appreciated!

Ross (Workbooks Online) Posted: Thu, 05.01.2017 - 12:55

Hi Anastasia,

Great question! 

As a database is made from separate tables, i.e. Parties (Organisations/ People), Activities etc., that are then linked and related it is possible to import to a singular database table and then extend the import to a limited number of other database tables. Due to the nature of MySQL files, we can offer for a database engineer, via Payable Services, to update a database in this way but we do not currently have any plans to offer this feature within the Workbooks UI. With this in mind, this business objective may be better accomplished by using CSV Exports along with multiple Imports.

To update one database with information from another I would follow the steps below;

If the Record Type does not contain any Rich Text fields;

  1. Go to the 'All' Landing page for each Record Type, e.g. All People, and add every possible column to this view.
  2. Export the View as a CSV file.
  3. In the other database start an Import for the specific Record type using this CSV and map any column to a specific field, if not done so already by the auto

If the Record type contains a Rich Text Field;

Note: (Rich Text fields can not be represented with complete accuracy on a Landing Page thus a Report is needed to carry out this action) 

  1. Build A Report that has all of the information from your Records;
        - In some cases, it will be possible to build a single Report that brings through information on multiple Record types, e.g. Transaction documents, but in most scenarios using individual Reports for individual Record Types is preferable during the Import process.
  2. Run the Report and Export the Results as a CSV file.
  3. In the other database start an Import for the specific Record type using this CSV and map any column to a specific field, if not done so already by the automatic process in the Workbooks Import Wizard.
  4. Run the Import.

Kind regards,

Workbooks Support