
Customer Forum

Automated emails

External Posted: 2012-08-06 12:41

 I am trying to workout how to do the following and any helps/suggestions would be appreciated.


We have a list of opportunities / Quotes assigned to specific sales people. I would like to set up process ( either automated or with minimal manual intervention)

on a daily basis

Send emails ( we have a standard template - this pulls through few fields ) to all the contacts (related to the specific opportunity)

1. Opportunities older than  7days

2. Opportunities older than 14 days

3. Opportunities older than 21 days

The above should be calculated based on today's (current date) date. 

As this will be done by the sale team, would like to work on the simple process or automating this.


Thanks in advance for any help.

Workbooks Support Posted: Tue, 21.08.2012 - 14:05


The best way to achieve would be to make use of the workbooks process engine. This allows you to write a PHP scripts to automate workflow and other processes within Workbooks. It would be possible to write a script that runs once a day and emails all the relevant contacts on opportunities with information stored on the record. If you have PHP skills you can write and implement the script yourself, if you would like us to do the work for you it would be at the cost of admin credits.

Another alternative is to export the data and use a 3rd party application to send the mailshot.


- Workbooks Support