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Workbooks End User Training

Workbooks End User Training

To help you get going with Workbooks quickly and easily, we’ve put together a series of videos aimed at all end users.  If you’ve been using Workbooks for a while and just want a refresher on a topic, feel free to dive in.  If you’re new to Workbooks we recommend you watch the videos in the following order:

  1. A Day in the Life of a Salesperson
  2. Workbooks Record Types
  3. Searching for data in Workbooks
  4. Applying filters and saving views
  5. Preferences
  6. Creating Organisation and People records
  7. Working with Activities
  8. Working with Email
  9. The Lead to Cash workflow
  10. What do records look like?
  11. Import Basics

If you have more formal training needs or have suggestions for other video topics, please contact  Remember too, there’s a wealth of information on our Knowledge Base.