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Welcome back to Support. This month we are having a deeper dive into our internal support processes to help explain a little more about how we work day-to-day and how we resolve your queries. Â
How do we process your Support Cases?Â
There are multiple channels that you can use to raise a Case with Customer Support. It can be done via Email, Phone or the Customer Support Portal. Each of these channels will create a Case in Workbooks assigned to a Support Queue from which all our team are assigned the Cases. Â
In order to allow the email channel to work directly with Workbooks, we have implemented an Email to Case script (this can be implemented by any customer as it is in the script library – check out all the scripts available in our library here and a forum post here on how to set it up). This allows both you and us to communicate via email whilst keeping track of every interaction in Workbooks. It uses the CASE reference in the subject line to attach communications to the case. Â
How long should it take to resolve my Case?Â
Workbooks is a powerful and layered product that is individualised for every one of our customers. This means that some Cases may take longer than others to solve. Having said that we always aim to resolve your Cases well within our contractual SLAs as below:Â
Level | Description | Target Resolution |
One | Critical Priority: Workbooks systems are down. Major feature failure or production data loss. | As soon as possible but no later than within one day of the call. |
Two | Urgent Priority: Problem seriously affects customer use of Workbooks. Business is significantly disrupted. Workaround exists but impractical. | As soon as practicable but within two Normal Working Days or as otherwise agreed between Workbooks and the Customer.  |
Three | Normal Priority: Medium-to-low business impact which causes partial non-critical functionality loss. Resolution not critical to the service being provided.  | At the time of response or as soon as practicable thereafter or as otherwise agreed between Workbooks & Customer.  |
Four | Minor Priority: Minor impact with minimal loss of functionality. Limited or no impact to customer’s operation. Convenient workaround exists. | At the time of response or as soon as practicable thereafter or as otherwise agreed between Workbooks & Customer. |
Five | Low Priority: General usage questions, recommendations for enhancements/modifications or where functionality doesn’t match documented specifications. No impact on quality or performance of system. | At the time of response or as soon as practicable thereafter or as otherwise agreed between Workbooks and the Customer. |
Can anyone contact the Workbooks Support team?Â
To protect your data, and to enable you to become power users, we have a policy of Authorised Support Contacts. For every 50 users, our customers will have 2 assigned contacts within their organisation who can raise Cases with us in Support. It not only helps to protect your data but also allows your System Administrators or power users to have visibility over the issues you are raising and ultimately build up product knowledge within your organisation. Â
If we receive a request for help from a non-authorised support contact we always ask for authorisation from the Authorised Support contacts before dealing with the Case. Please be patient with this, it is for your and our security. In order to avoid delays it’s always better to make sure queries come through your Authorised Support contacts, and we can get to work on your Case as soon as possible. Â
How can I log enhancement requests?Â
We love to hear about what will make your lives easier in Workbooks. The best way of getting these ideas connected with our Software Engineering team is to raise them with Support through our email address We may have some clarifying questions, for example, how you are impacted without the enhancement? What business need will it fulfil? We will then raise it with the engineers for consideration for future releases. Â
How can you help us to help you?Â
Sometimes things don’t quite work as you expect in Workbooks, whether it is a field not populating or a report not producing the results you expect. We often receive support cases that identify a problem, but don’t necessarily give the detail of what is expected, which slows down the resolution process. Â
So when raising a case with us, something that will always help: describe the problem AND the expected outcome. Â
Eg. Report RPT-256 is blank. We would expect PERS-236 to be in this report as all the criteria are fulfilled.Â
And remember, be specific – as mentioned in our last blog: screenshots, record references, steps to replicate, time stamps of when it happened.Â