CRM Data Quality: What It Is and Why It Matters Type: #Blog Ever feel like you’re drowning in data? With 2 quintillion bytes of data generated daily across industries, it\'s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why data quality is so crucial for effective data management. Organizations...
What is Lead Generation in Marketing? Type: #Blog Lead generation is the heartbeat of any successful business. It’s the process of attracting potential customers, or “leads,” and turning them into actual prospects for your products or services. Sounds simple, right? Well,...
Your guide to CRM project management Type: #Blog At its core, customer relationship management (CRM) is a strategy designed to enhance customer interactions, improve satisfaction and drive business growth. When combined with effective built-in project management, CRM becomes a...
Three CRM questions that Severance answers Type: #Blog You’re probably wondering what CRM and Severance have in common. The answer is the questions that the office workers and CRM users raise when in the workplace. Like us, the innies in Severance have goals, suspicions,...
3 No-BS Christmas lyrics in the form of CRM challenges Type: #Blog It’s time to get into the Christmas spirit by taking your favorite Christmas songs and transforming them into CRM-related challenges. If you’re struggling with any of these challenges, you’re not alone. Our recent...
November 2024 Workbooks 7.4 release: What’s new? Type: #Blog Our latest release is here and there\'s lots of new updates to explore. We\'ve got a brand new offering - Project Management, a greener look and feel, and some extra enhancements ready for customers. Check out all of the new...
Worried about switching CRM? 3 myths about moving CRM Type: #Blog When it comes to CRM, the truth isn\'t always pretty. Our latest research revealed 62% of sales and marketing leaders feel stuck with their CRM. People are putting up with poorly implemented software, spiraling costs, and poor...
The No-Bullsh*t CRM: Check out Workbooks’ new campaign Type: #Blog Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a bull. And it’s charging its way onto an advert near you. You can check out our new brand video here. Our new campaign just launched, and we’re thrilled to let the bull loose across...
Watch out, there’s bullsh*t about: 5 warning signs of a BS CRM Type: #Blog You may not know it, but you might have bullsh*t CRM. Whether you’re looking for a new one or already working with one, there’s a bunch of red flags to look out for. So, if your CRM software isn’t giving you what you...
Media firms and publishers: How to utilize and monetize your data Type: #Blog#Manufacturing There’s one key problem many media firms and publishers are facing that’s holding them back from monetizing data and improving efficiency. The cause is using multiple, disjointed systems, which we covered in...
5 benefits of CRM for Professional Services Type: #Blog#Blog Categories#Manufacturing If you’re in professional services, a system for customer relationship management (CRM) will help you grow, improve productivity, and simplify operations. Using CRM systems can be a game-changer when competition intensifies —...
7 mistakes to avoid when writing sales emails Type: #Blog#Manufacturing Sales emails - we all get them. But how do you write sales emails that boost your response rates? Make sure you avoid making these mistakes and use the tips shared to get your best results yet. 1. Don’t waste my...