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Your Password has expired, please change it before continuing

Step 1: Check the account has been activated

If it’s affecting a new User, ensure they have activated their User Record by clicking on the Activate link within the automatic email sent by Workbooks. You will be able to see if this has been done by going to Start > Configuration > Users & Security > Users – if the email says ‘pending activation’ next to it, then they haven’t done this yet.

Once the user has activated their account and logs into Workbooks for the first time, they will be prompted to create a new password.

Step 2: Check the User can log into Workbooks

If the account has been activated and the User is unable to log into Workbooks, they should reset their password using the Forgotten Password link on the Workbooks login screen.


Alternatively, a System Administrator can manually change the password for that User, and should then notify the User of their new password.

Step 3: Re-enable the WESS Synchronisation

You should re-enable to WESS Synchronisation by going to Start > Preferences > Exchange Sync or Start > Configuration > Email Integrations > Exchange Sync and check that it is synchronising successfully.