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Event Sessions

You can use Sessions to break up an Event and manage attendance further, examples of when you would use Sessions may include:

  • When you are hosting a two day Event, and Attendees can choose to attend only one day or both.
  • You may be hosting something social or exclusive after the event, that only certain event attendees will be invited to based on the Ticket they purchase.
  • If you have multiple sessions running simultaneously, e.g. seminars on different topics, and customers need to choose which one they are going to. Known to some as ‘tracks’.


The Sessions tab allows you to review all of your current Sessions, showing key information such as Name, Start & End Times as well as the Venue.

New Sessions can be created from the tab by selecting Add Session, this creates a new Event with the only difference being a new Field called “Parent Event” which links back to the Main Event.


This allows you to apply the same level of customisation including Speakers, Venue location and Tickets to the Session as the main event itself.

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