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Managing Transaction Document Statuses

How to restrict or enable what fields can be edited when a transaction document has a particular status i.e. DRAFT or POSTED.


Double-check your Transaction Document is correct before clicking Save & Complete as this changes the Status from DRAFT to POSTED.

Transaction Documents in Workbooks (ie, Quotations, Orders, Invoices, Credit Notes and Supplier Orders) are given a status of either DRAFT or POSTED.

Whilst a document is in a DRAFT state, it can be changed or deleted. In addition, any Line Item calculated values will be recalculated each time it is saved; ensuring the analysis reveal in the DRAFT document reflects the right margins. 

When Posting a Transaction Document there are a number of different Capabilities that affect what a User is able to do when working with a Transaction Document in a POSTED state. A document is moved from the state of DRAFT to POSTED using the Save & Complete button at the top of the page.

Allow to Post Documents – This allows Users to change the state of a Transaction Document from DRAFT to POSTED, Users must also have the ability to Modify Transaction Documents of that type.

Delete Posted Documents – Allows a User to delete a Transaction Document when it is in a POSTED state.

Edit Posted Transaction Documents – A Capability exists for each Transaction Document Type to allow you to modify the Fields once it has been POSTED.

Edit Posted Transaction Document Custom Fields – Users with this Capability will only be able to amend Custom Fields on a POSTED Transaction Document.