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Using Sales Tax Rulesets

To save you time when creating Transaction Documents and if a Product is sold repeatedly to the same customer you can configure specific Rulesets on Products.

Within the Picklist Sales Tax Rules on the Product you will be able to choose from all available Sales Tax Rulesets across all Tax Regimes.

Note: If you are unsure if you have selected the correct ruleset you can use the open URL button on the field to immediately open the record and check that this is the correct one.

Once set on the Product, you will then be able to restrict Tax Codes on the Line Items based on the Customer Country and / or the Delivery Country that is set on the Line Item.

In the example below, we have created a Tax Ruleset where the Customer Country is set to be the United Kingdom and the Delivery Country is set to France or United Kingdom.

When creating a Line Item using a Product with this Ruleset applied and the Customer has a Country of United Kingdom, but a Delivery Country is not set, then no Tax Codes are available.

However, upon changing the Delivery Country to France or United Kingdom, the respective Tax Code becomes available.

These Rulesets can then be used to ensure that users are always setting the correct rates with the information provided.

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