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Prefixes & Numbering

A breakdown of the structure of Object References and how to view the Object Reference on a record.

All object records within Workbooks have a unique Object Reference which provides a consistent way to refer to records within your database.  Object References can be included in emails sent from within Workbooks or in emails forwarded to a Dropbox which automatically links the email to the relevant record.  In addition, Object References can be used in the Search field to find and open records.

In some instances, the Object Reference is immediately visible on a record, such as the Case Reference or a Customer Order Reference number, whereas in others it’s only visible by hovering over or opening the Additional Information symbol  on a record, such as on an Organisation, Person, Campaign or Lead record.

In all cases, the Object Reference is comprised of a Prefix (which can only contain uppercase characters and must be no more than 20 characters in length) and a numerical ID.  These are supplied and automatically increased (thus creating a new unique Object Reference) by Workbooks.  If you prefer, you can apply your own Prefix and specify the number for the next ID.

NOTE: Once the ID number has been changed, the value cannot be decreased. Object References are displayed as the Prefix followed by a hyphen then the ID number, eg PERS-35.

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