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Event Attendees


The Attendees Tab shows you all of the information for the people associated with the Tickets – once the Person Field is filled in on the Ticket, that person gets added as an Attendee with status of ‘Registered’. This means the number of attendees will be different to the number of tickets until all the tickets have been allocated to a person. You can also manually add attendees here, perhaps for keeping track of the internal people that will be managing the event on the day.

This tab shows you the same information that you would see on a Marketing Campaign’s Membership Tab. People who have purchased and signed up for Tickets are automatically given the Attendee Status of Registered. When scanning Tickets on check in you are able to update their Attendee Status to Attended and people who didn’t arrive can be given a Status of ‘Did not attend’.

By selecting the Attendee Status you are able to open up their Event Attendance to see all of the information you have stored against them. These Form Layouts can be configured as a part of Mailing List Members.
