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This is the Theme that will be used. If set within Configuration, it will apply to all users logging into that Database. If set within Preferences, then it will only be applied for that user. A System Administrator needs to enable themes to be selected by Users by checking the ‘Users can choose their Look & Feel’ checkbox – more info on this can be found here.

When using the Clean Theme, users have an option to use Workbooks in ‘Dark Mode.’ If the user’s system is set to be in ‘Dark Mode’ (in Windows or Apple settings) then Workbooks will automatically default to Dark Mode. This can be switched on or off in Preferences in ‘Look and Feel,’ provided the user is using the Clean theme and their System Administrator has allowed them to choose the look and feel of their Workbooks.


Currently there are 2 themes within Workbooks, Clean and Modern. The Clean Theme features a ‘Compact Version’ which will display more information on a screen, like the deprecated Classic Theme, while retaining a sleek, modern look and can be switched on or off via a checkbox in Preferences. This Compact version of the Clean Theme is not available on Mobile. Additionally, the Clean Theme will feature coloured borders for specific record types (as shown below) to make it easier to identify and differentiate open windows in Workbooks. 




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