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Help Dialog

Configure the Case Portal to your needs

On the Navigation bar of the Case Portal, you can display a ‘Help’ section which is visible by clicking the question mark icon.

This section can be used to point the user to other resources that might provide useful information outside of the portal. For example, one option might be to add a URL to your Knowledge Base or an email/telephone number that they can use to reach you directly, rather than raising a Case via the portal.

Under the Help Dialog section, you can configure what is shown to the portal user. Click “Add New” for each section that you would like to add then provide the following information:

  • Title: In the example show above this is the “Visit our Website” text
  • Help Text:  In the example show above this is the “Find more information on our website” text
  • Button URL: In the example above, the button URL directs the user to the Workbooks website when the button is clicked
  • Button Text: In the example above, this is configured to say “Visit our Website”

TIP: In the button URL you could include a “mailto:{YOUR_EMAIL}” link which would open a new email in the user’s default email client with the email address you specified in the link. Alternatively, provide a callto:{YOUR_NUMBER} link so that the user can call you directly from their computer using a soft phone application if they have one installed.

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