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Understanding your Campaign results

Once your Marketing Campaign has completed, you will want to review the results in Workbooks. This can be done in a number of different ways:

  • On the Statistics tab of the Marketing Campaign and Mailshot
  • On the Online tab of the Marketing Campaign and Mailshot
  • On the Online tab of individual Person records
  • Within reports

Statistics tab

The Statistics tab can be found on Marketing Campaigns and Mailshots, and displays summarised data pulled from GatorMail for you to review.

From the Statistics tab you can see data separated into three sections: Members, Emails, and Opens and Hits.

Viewing your results in a Report

Workbooks’ Reporting tool is a great way to review Marketing Campaign results – especially if you want to compare the performance of multiple Campaigns. 

You can create your own Report, or use one of the premade Template Reports. To do this, go to Start > Reporting > New Report, and select ‘Create a report from a template report’, which will bring up a list of all the Templates that Workbooks comes with. In order to find the Templates relating to Marketing Campaigns, apply a Filter on this window for ‘Summary > Contains > Campaign’:

These Reports will have a number of columns and possibly criteria already applied to them, depending on their purpose, and as such they are a quick and easy way to gain an overview of your Marketing Campaigns’ success.

Viewing your results in Spotler

You can also view your Marketing Campaigns’ results within GatorMail itself – more information on this can be found on Spotler’s help site here.

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