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Quick Import (BETA)

Fast Import makes it possible to upload large quantities of data into Workbooks very quickly. In contrast to the standard Import job which works through roughly 10 records a second, the Fast Import functionality will work through several thousand records a second. This option can be found within the typical Import wizard under Import Options. Though extremely beneficial when needing to get large amounts of data into Workbooks fast, this functionality does have some limitations which are outlined below:

Custom Records: Fast Importing is available for Custom Records types only that are NOT searchable. This is outlined in the description of Quick Import within the Import Wizard.

NOTE: If you cannot see the ‘Quick Import’ checkbox even though you know it is a custom record, the record may be set to Searchable. You can double check and amend this by going to Start > Configuration > Customization > Custom Record > Select the Custom Record you are looking for > Expand the ‘Advanced’ section and scroll down to find and untick the ‘Searchable’ check box.

Unable to Audit: Selecting the checkbox to ‘Enable audit of imported records’ can significantly slow down the import job which is the opposite of what is needed, so audit functionality is not possible. When ticking the ‘Quick Import’ checkbox, the option for auditing import records will subtly change to ‘Delete Existing’ Records.

Add/Replace Records: As shown in the video above, when the checkbox for ‘Quick Import’ is ticked, the option for Auditing Import Records changes to ‘Delete Existing’. This is because the ‘Fast Import’ functionality will only allow you to create new Records or replace existing Records. You will not be able to update any Records with this process. Leaving the checkbox unticked will create new Records and ticking the checkbox will replace existing Records.

NOTE: Please be conscious of data you are Importing. Importing large batches of data increases the chance of duplicating already existing Records. It is the Users responsibility to manage this to ensure quality data within your Database.

Once Quick Import is selected, the rest of the process is the same as your usual Import. You will be able to review your upload file and manage your Field Mappings in the following stages before confirming to run the Import.

This functionality is beneficial for a number of reasons and an example of one may be that you want to Import hundreds of thousands of Records everyday and maintain a history of those records. This can now be done quickly due to the Fast Import process and by taking a copy of that data at the end of every week or month with a Snapshot Report.

If you have any issues with Fast Importing and your questions cannot be answered in the information on this page, please review the Imports Troubleshooting article. If you still require more assistance then please do not hesitate to contact Workbooks Support.