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Managing your Imports

An Overview of how to check the status of any Imports you have run

Import Landing Pages

Workbooks has three native Views associated with Importing:

  • My Imports.
  • All Imports.
  • Imports Requiring Attention.

As it is possible to apply filters here, it is also possible to create your own View.

Creating your Own Import Management Landing Page View

An example of a View you may want to have is any Import in your system that had errors or warnings. To do this go to All Imports and apply the appropriate filters



Like Customising Views on any other Landing Page, this can be saved by clicking the View > Save as, then given a Unique name.

This view will then appear on the left hand menu to be able to be selected.


Managing your Import

After an import is done, different information is collected in separate tabs for you to review:

  • Summary –  Provides an overall description of the Import including its progress, numbers of errors and more.
  • Affected Records – Gives information on which Records were either created or updated.
  • Errors – All of the errors that have occurred during the Import.
  • Rejected data – Shows the rows in the uploaded file that enforced no change or action during the Import.
  • Warnings – All Warnings logged whilst attempting to Import data.
  • Field Mapping Settings – Shows the mappings that were set during the Import Wizard.
  • Error Handling settings – Shows the settings applied during the Import Wizard error handling configurations.
  • Uploaded File – Has the Import file shown as well as the option to export again.

Managing Errors

When looking at the Error tab you will see 2 columns; ‘Row’ and ‘Message’. The Row column refers to the row in the upload file and the Message provides information why the error occurred.


In the example above the there is no Task in Workbooks with the Object Reference ”. Looking at the Uploaded File tab, you will then be able to investigate which row and column has the wrong data. 

Managing Warnings

Like the Errors tab, the Warnings tab has two columns ‘Row’ and ‘Message’ that serve the same purpose as described above.

Like the Errors, you will be able to locate the wrong data within the Uploaded File tab. In the image above, it shows there is no Assigned to/Queue named ‘Customer Services’. This will need to be either changed in Workbooks for a queue to be added, or changed in the Upload file itself. 

​​​​NOTE: When Managing Imports it is best practice to change the file that was uploaded to Workbooks rather than Exporting the Uploaded file from the Import Record. The act of exporting the file from the Import Record can affect the format of the file which can introduce other problems in the Importing process.