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Credit Notes

An overview of how to use Credits Notes within Workbooks.

A Credit Note is a Transaction Document that allows you to record a refund to a customer.

A Credit Note is comprised of fields to record customer information and Line Items to represent the items you’re refunding. Line Items can be typed directly into the grid or selected from Products within your Product Book.


Credit Notes can be linked to Opportunities and to Marketing Campaigns to track where your sale originated.

You can print and email a Credit Note using customisable Document Templates. You can tailor these templates for your Own Organisation by, for example, adding your logo to the header or including your VAT number in the footer. Alternatively, Workbooks Professional Services can develop a complete set of customised templates for you.

If you have a SageLink licence you can synchronise OrdersCredit Notes and Invoice information directly with Sage Line 50 and Sage Line 200.