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Export/Import Report Definitions

Note: In order to use the export and import report configuration features, users must have the ‘Export Report Definition’ and ‘Import Report Definition’ capabilities, respectively. This is only relevant for Organisations with more than 1 database. 

The report export and import feature enables users from organisations with multiple databases to easily transfer a report’s configuration between databases, by exporting the report’s definition and importing it into any database.

To export a report definition, you will need to navigate to the side panel within a report, and then click on the menu option, ‘Export Report Definition’. Having done this, a new JSON file will be downloaded, titled ‘Report-Reference-config.json’

Warning: Please ensure that the fields included in the original report, and hence the report definition, are contained in the same records on the new database where you wish to import the report definition to.

 In order to upload the report definition to a new database, navigate to the Reporting landing page in the new database, and then click on the ‘New Report’ menu option.

Following this, a new window will open, prompting you to choose how you would like to create the report; select the ‘Import a report’ option.

Next, another will pop-up, asking you to select a report definition; select the recently downloaded JSON file. Having clicked this, a report with the exact same configuration as that on the previous database will be created.

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