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Introduction to Charts

Workbooks includes the ability to create Charts from a Report so that reports can be easily displayed visually as well as in a grid format. Charts can then be added to Dashboards, or sent out through Scheduled Emails.

Workbooks includes a number of different Chart types:

Bar Charts – Bar Charts are ideal for tracking performance of a Team or individual performance. Bar Charts can also include targets, allowing you to see the performance against target visually.
Line Charts – Line Charts allow you to better track trends over time; these work well for reports that use a Split column, as multiple lines can be represented on a single chart for easy comparison.
Pie Charts – Pie Charts allow you to see data as proportions of a total, such as when comparing the different sources that Cases or Leads were created through, and are useful to understand where resources may need to be allocated.
Dial Charts – Dial Charts let you see where you are against an overall target; these can be generated from a Summary View, such as the total value of won Opportunities against an annual Target.

NOTE: Following the guide on another Knowledge Base article here will show how to add charts and elements to Dashboards.