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Connection Setup

Once you have been given access to Scribe, you’ll need to create a connection to Workbooks in the Scribe UI.

When your account was provisioned by Workbooks Support, a Cloud Agent should have been set up for you. It should be visible under the “Agents” panel, with a status of Running in the Scribe Dashboard:

If there is no Agent visible – click the “+” symbol. Then choose “Cloud Agent” to provision a new Agent. 

NOTE: The Workbooks Connector requires a Cloud Agent with status of Running. You will not be able to configure a Workbooks Connection without this.

To add a new connection, click the “+” symbol within the Connections panel to begin:

In the Add New Connection window, configure the following settings:

  • Connector Type: Select Workbooks Connector here
  • Name/Alias: Give the connection a sensible name, simply “Workbooks” is fine. The Alias is automatically populated with a stripped version of the Name removing spaces and special characters – there is no need to change this.
  • API Token: Create an API Key in Workbooks and paste it here, ensuring that you give the key either full permissions or configuring the Capabilities based on the actions Scribe map will carry out on your behalf. 
  • Page Size: This setting controls how many records are returned for each API call made to Workbooks. If you leave this field blank, the default is 100 records which is suitable for most scenarios. Although you can set this higher or lower as required, we would not recommend setting this number too high otherwise you may experience timeout issues with your Scribe Solutions.
  • Max Pages: Set the number of pages of results the Workbooks Connector will return when using a Query block in a Scribe Solution. By default, the Workbooks Connector will return 1 page of results, at whatever the Page Size is set to.
  • Service: Set the service according to the one used when creating your API Key. Production is “secure”. The Beta and Alpha services should only be used for testing purposes of new features before they become available in Production.

NOTE: If you have purchased a Scribe licence, but do not see the Workbooks Connector option in your list of connectors available to install, please contact us.