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January 2024 Release

Release date: 20th January 2024

This release continues our work in making it easier to access the areas you need to use frequently, including:

  • The new My Activities Calendar View on your Springboard
  • Adding Landing Page Views to your Springboard
  • Kanban View on Opportunities
  • New forecasting fields on Opportunities

Modern Theme is no more

In our first step towards creating a newly–themed Workbooks, we are first removing the old theme. You will now all use the ‘Clean’ theme, and ‘Modern’ will no longer be available.

You can still go to your Preferences to change how your taskbar and background look.

Keep an eye on future communications for details of the new theme we are building.

You might also spot that the Clean theme has changed slightly, with section headers changing from a grey to a white background, and shortcuts changing to white.

My Activities

Last release, we created a new View called ‘My Activities’, which uses our editable Calendar View to show you the Activities you have going on this week. We have added this as a tab to your Springboard.  If you haven’t started using a Springboard yet, click here for information.

Springboards should be your go-to for all the areas you need to access in a day, so including the ‘My Activities’ tab will now make it even easier to plan your days.

Remember, you can amend the display order or turn off the tabs shown in your Springboard by clicking on the cog in the top right and then navigating to ‘Items’.

Views in your Springboard

We have extended the options for the tabs you can have on your Springboard. Previously, you could only add Dashboards, but now you can add Landing Page Views. Just like the ‘My Activities’ View that we have done for you, you could add an ‘All Open Opportunities’ View or ‘My Open Cases’ View. This can help you reduce the number of windows you need to pin or open on login.

TOP TIP: The Springboard will keep the View in the format you have it saved as, including the filters and whether you are displaying it as Cards or Kanban, so remember to save your Views in the mode you use frequently! See our Knowledge Base page about customising Views.

You still get all the same options to amend filters or adjust columns from within your Springboard.

To add a View to your Springboard, navigate to the View, click on the ‘View’ button in the top right, and choose ‘Add to Springboard’. You can find more details about your Springboard and how to customise it on our Knowledge Base.


New Forecast fields

We recognise that a frequent requirement of a Sales Team is to see the weighted value of their pipeline, so we have built in a couple of new fields to help you achieve this. The first is the ‘Sales Forecast Status’ field, which by default will contain the values ‘Commit’, ‘Possible’ and ‘Upside’. This field provides an alternative to the way of forecasting using the Opportunity Stage, as we know that early-stage Opportunities can sometimes already be a known win, and alternately, late-stage Opportunities might still have a low possibility of winning.

This ‘Sales Forecast Status’ can set the ‘Probability’ field. This is important for the next new field, “Weighted Value”, which will automatically calculate the Opportunity Net Value multiplied by the Probability, meaning it no longer needs to be calculated in reports. You can display the ‘Weighted Value’ field in grids, in the new Kanban view (see below), and in reports.

You’ll need to enable the new fields, and decide whether you want the Probability to continue to be set using the Opportunity Stage, or change it to use the new Sales Forecast Status field. Some migration may be needed in the databases that have the older ‘Forecast Status’ field in use at the moment. See our Knowledge Base for more information.

Kanban View

The Kanban View we created for Activities is now also available on Opportunities. This means you can see your Opportunities by Stage, Assigned To, Close Period or any other Opportunity picklists. We’ve also enhanced it further to allow you to see Totals for each grouping, helping to give you an overview of your pipeline.

For details on how to turn on and configure this view, see our Knowledge Base.

Snapshot Reporting – BETA

We are releasing a new feature called Snapshot Reporting, but this will only be available to those who sign up to our beta program.

The feature will allow you to copy data from reports into Custom Records, expanding the possibilities for further reports you can build, like overviews of how your pipeline has changed over time, or how your marketing engagement has changed in the last year.

We will be discussing the new feature in the webinar w/c 29th January; please attend this for more details on how to sign up for the beta program.

Some other small changes…

  • Reports now have the option to be exported, and can then be imported back into another database, making deployment of things from UAT to Live easier. Please note, all custom fields used in the exported report must also exist in the destination database, with the same field names.
  • If you use Targets, you’ll note these no longer show in the Start menu. However, they do still live within Reporting. Instead of Start > Reporting > Targets, you’ll now navigate to Start > Reporting, and then pick the ‘All Targets’ View from the Report Landing Page.
  • Database Exports are now restricted to 20GB. If you need to export a database larger than this, please contact the Support Team.
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