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What is Spotler?


Workbooks has partnered with Spotler (formerly known as CommuniGator) to provide an all-round marketing solution for our Users. Spotler is a market-leading marketing service provider, and will likely feel very familiar to your marketing team if they have used products like MailChimp or DotDigital. 

The benefit of using our Spotler integration is that it provides a full suite of services, and the integration is designed to allow you to report on the performance of your Marketing Campaigns, website performance, engagement etc, using the Online Activity record type within Workbooks. 

In order to use the Spotler integration you will need to purchase the relevant license(s) – please get in touch with us to discuss this further.

What can Spotler do?

Spotler provides the following functionality:

This data is captured in a Record Type called an Online Activity related to the appropriate records (People, Leads, Organisations, Campaigns and Mailshots), which allows for much greater detailed analysis and helps to create a single customer view within Workbooks that can be utilised by your sales and marketing teams to drive engagement and revenue.

Once you start using the Spotler integration you will, for example, be able to see when a Lead was sent a prospecting email, whether they interacted with it and how. You will also be able to see how they navigate your website and how they became a Lead in the first place.

Online Activities can also be used for non-sales processes such as satisfaction surveys and trial management, again giving you a step-by-step breakdown of everything that happens during each of these processes. 

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