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January 2020 Release

January 2020 Release

Release date: 25th January 2020

Configuration Improvements

Account Settings & Login Security

We’ve added a new Account Settings sub-menu on the Configuration Landing page, where we have collected together several of the account-level pages that were previously in other sections.  We have also redesigned the Password Policy screens on a new Authentication page within this section.

​This will allow easier management and visibility of the Default Authentication methods that users can login with. 

For example, you might choose to only allow Google authentication and therefore users will no longer be able to use a separate password for Workbooks. This helps reduce administration by users not having Workbooks-specific passwords. 

You can still override the global setting above at a user level, these now have been grouped together under a single Security and Password section on the User screen. 

User Usage – Audit Data

We’ve made it easier to see what user activity is happening in your database, such as the number of records created, updated and deleted as well as the number of logins for each user per day. This will be particularly useful to track user adoption and monitor the trends on user usage. 

Customers with our Audit extension (included in Pro Editions) will now have three new views on their Audit Landing Page:

  • Daily Usage

  • Weekly Usage

  • Monthly Usage

There will be a new record for each user created daily, which are then totalled up to Weekly and Monthly. 

​A record only shows fields for operations that the user has performed. 

These records are also reportable, and you will now have Daily Usage, Weekly Usage and Monthly Usage options when creating a new report for more advanced analysis of the trends. 

Line Items – Form Layouts and Capabilities

We have added new ‘View Line Items’ and ‘Modify Line Items’ Capabilities for each Transaction document type. This enables you to still allow access to the Transaction document and control which groups of users should be able to view or modify line items. 

We have also made it possible to move, hide and make the Line Item Grid read-only on your Transaction documents through Form Layouts. You will find ‘Order line items’ within the Sections tab when modifying a Form layout. 

​These improvements can help drive the workflow in your sales process. For example, your business may not need Line Items on opportunities, or that only users in a specific group can edit Line Items, or that they should become read-only if the document is in a certain state.

Other Improvements

  • You can now enable the Files tab on Marketing Campaign records. By default, this will not be enabled, but you will find the option to do so within Tabs when amending a Form Layout.

  • ​Display Order is now available on Component Products and Bundles when configuring Product Bundles. This allows you to adjust the order in which the line items are added to a document when adding a bundle. 

  • ​We’ve added several new standard wallpapers (background images). Administrators can view these and apply them to all users within Start > Configuration > Customisation > Desktop Preferences. They are also available for users to choose via Start > Preferences if your administrator has allowed this.  
  • Note for developers using reports in scripts/integrations – Report API field names will no longer be created with a number appended to them. Existing field names will remain the same and when you copy the report it will copy with the same field name. You can update the field name on the Advanced Tab of the column when editing the report, this must be completed with caution.  

  • ​Note for developers using reports in scripts/integrations – Report API field names will no longer be created with a number appended to them. Existing field names will remain the same and when you copy the report it will copy with the same field name. You can update the field name on the Advanced Tab of the column when editing the report, this must be completed with caution. 

Microsoft Login (Coming Soon)

We have been working behind the scenes to add single sign-on to Workbooks via Microsoft Login. You might spot text on the login page, however, it’s not quite ready and will not work when you try to use it. We will be sending out a further bulletin and making a button visible as shown below for you to use when it is available. 

What is Microsoft Login? 

If your organisation subscribes to Microsoft’s Azure Active Directory service, then you will be able to configure Workbooks to allow logins via Microsoft Login. Once configured, users will be able to log into Workbooks by clicking the Login with Microsoft button on the login screen and if they have already signed into Microsoft they will not be prompted for any further password. 

Automatic provisioning of users via groups in Azure Active Directory will be available and can be matched to User Templates in Workbooks. A User Template defines access to one or more databases in your account, which groups the user will belong to in each of those databases, and which licences will be allocated to the user from the account’s set. This will reduce the amount of time spent creating and configuring new users within Workbooks. 

Note: The Workbooks Advanced Security extension is required in order to use this, which is included with Pro Editions, or can be purchased separately.  

When will it be available? 

We are just finalising some changes and will be looking to make it available within the next few weeks. We will be sending a further Bulletin to notify you.

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