
Customer Forum

Columns not saving when I make changes in a quotation

External Posted: 2015-01-15 11:39

Hi, i can add the "Unit Cost" column to a quotation so it shows my Gross Margin.

However when i save the quotation the column disppears!

How do i get it to stay permanently in my Quotations?


Workbooks Support Posted: Thu, 15.01.2015 - 15:45

Hi Dave

Whenever you change grid view in Workbooks, such as the columns that appear in Line Items on a transaction record or the layout of a Landing Page, you need to save the view.  If you look to the top right of the Line Item grid you'll see a button called View. Click on it and select Save. Once you've done that, every Quotation you open will show the Unit Cost column in the position you'd put it at the time you saved it. You can add more columns, move them, remove them whenever you like - just remember to click View > Save.